
Highly Competitive Performance - High Throughput, Excellent Sample Preservation Rate & Detection Sensitivity

  Nucleic Acid Cleaner

In PCR labs, residual nucleic acids can seriously interfere with PCR results, leading to false positives. In the face of the urgent and heavy nucleic acid detection task, in order to timely and accurately feedback the detection results, the detection personnel can use a fast and efficient nucleic acid cleaning method - " Nucleic Acid Cleaner" to solve the problem of nucleic acid aerosol residues.


This product is designed to be used for environment cleaning and decontamination. It can break the phosphodiester bonds in nucleic acid molecules, thereby degrading nucleic acids, to achieve the goal of eliminating nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) contamination.


  • Safe and nontoxic

  • Clear thoroughly

  • Non corrosion to instruments

  • Nonvolatilization


  • Bench and instrument surfaces

  • Environmental atmosphere (laboratory environment, maritime cargo surfaces, etc.)

  • Lab Consumable